Saturday, December 27, 2008


Well I managed to get it all done. I decorated the house on the 24th so I can enjoy it for a little while anyway. We spent Christmas Eve with my sister Janell at her house. Then Christmas morning Jill, James and Janell came over to the house to open gifts and have breakfast. It was nice. In the afternoon we went to Pat and Terri's house for dinner then back to Janell's to play dominoes with Janell, Jill and James. It was a nice relaxing day. It snowed on our way to Janell's house Christmas evening. The first time it snowed here on Christmas that I can remember.
Hope everyone's Christmas was as nice as ours.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I seriously cannot get over how much Janell looks like Grams! I was just reminiscing about when we were little and went over to Grandma and Grandpa's to open presents. I'll never forget the little baby boy she bought me one year that was anatomically correct! Came as quite a surprise to me, but they are priceless memories!