Friday, September 26, 2008

I have been tagged

Tag I am it

Bekki tagged me
5 unspectacular things about me

1. I work for the school district
2. I own a Basset Hound
3. My hair is brown and gray
4. I like chocolate
5. I hate to exercise

I tag Robin, Dave, Nicole, Misty
I don't know how to link so you can find them in my favorites

terms & conditions:
1. link the person who tagged you
2. mention the rules on your blog
3. list 6 unspectacular things about you
4. tag 6 other bloggers

Friday, September 19, 2008

Trip to Utah

Well last week we made a spur of the moment trip to Utah. We visited Zion, Bryce, and Capital Reef National Parks. Had a good time but not enough time to properly explore each park.
I guess that means we will have to take another trip. We were within an hour and a half of Arches National Park. I would like to visit that park and Canyon Lands also. It is a beautiful state. I will post a slide show later.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Because we slept late and were not prepared to go anywhere
we ended up staying home and barbecuing.
Bekki, Nicole and David were here and Jill and
James came over after house shopping.
We made home made ice cream and everything
tasted real good. Of course Bekki and David ate
at Del Taco after sign language practice so they
missed out.
After dinner we all decided to go out shooting at a local
gun club. Some of the men Dave works with are
Member's of the gun club and took us out.
We had a good time. I only shot the hand gun twice and
the small rifle, it really isn't my thing. But it was a fun
outing with everyone.
Here are the pictures I took.
I like the picture I got of David with the fire coming