Nicole turned twenty on Dec. 3 I don't have pictures on my camera but if I can get my great husband to down load his pictures and send me one I can post on here.HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICOLE AND JANELL!
David was the lead in his High School play Lil' Abner he did a great job. How fun for his senior year!
Bekki, Janell, Terri, Mary, Lisa, Irina and I went to a Taste of Home cooking demo at the fair grounds. It was alot of fun and Bekki has been experimenting with cooking. She is trying to make us all fatter then we already are!

David and Dave were in a car accident on Phelan Road back on Veteran's day. They and two of David's friends from church were on there way to hike Baden Powell. A Van pulled out in front of them and totaled David's little Bronco. They were all pretty sore for the first week or two. Dave's shoulder strap wasn't working and he hit the dash so he is still have a problem with focusing one eye. I don't know who was leaning in the truck, she was a bystander.
On a lighter note...
As you see from the previous post I am going to have a granddaughter in April or whenever she feels she is ready. Here is a picture of Jill with her cute little belly!
I had surgery to remove my gallbladder two days before Thanksgiving. Everything went good and I am pretty much back to normal but way behind on Christmas preperations. I still don't even have my cards they are somewhere in my decorations which I still don't have done either.
Yesterday due to our wonderful Southern California snow storm (and work being cancelled) I did get my wrapping done. To bad my shopping isn't done. I have got to put a fire under it now and get done. The christmas cards when I do find them sadly will not have pictures this year yet another thing we haven't found time for. (sigh)
Speaking of snow...
We had about 15 inches at our house how fun. The dog's didn't seem to mind it but the cat is not impressed. The picture of the tape measure was mid afternoon. The 15 inches was later that evening didn't get a picture.
Have a great holiday.
Well I'd say a lot has happened! I'm so glad everyone was okay after the accident. Phenlan Road scares me to death. I'm also glad your surgery went well. Can't wait to see your new little grand baby. Jill has an excuse to pig out over the holidays!
Not according to her
Wow! Quite a post. I hope everyone recovers well and soon.I'm sure you'll be able to get Christmas together, we're having to do the same. We finally got a better chunk of shopping done yesterday & I actually wrapped some things for under the tree!
Merry Christmas!!
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