Friday, May 9, 2008

Weigth loss

I have been on a diet since January. Not really trying real hard until sometime in March. Today I hit 10%. I have lost 10% of my body weight. I can't say that I feel a whole lot better physically. In fact I have been really tired (of course that could have to do with the time of year). But there is a big difference in the way some of my clothes fit. I hope to have a lot more weight off before we go on our cruise in June because I have heard that all you do is eat on cruises. I think I will just have to have a mind set of I might gain weight but I can get it off again when I am home. I don't want it to cause me to not keep going.


Anonymous said...

My husband has been on a couple of cruises with his family, and the thing that excited him the most was the 24 hour pizza bar. They also have a soft serve machine, so you can get ice cream all day! Can't go wrong with that! I've also come to the conclusion that I'm going to have my hips and flabby arms forever!

Bekki said...

lol. A 24 hour pizza bar? That's amazing. Mom, you'll have fun with that!

Deborah said...

Pizza hasn't had the appeal that it used to. I bet you never thought you would hear me say that. LOL

Dave said...

Hey Lady!
You are doing great! Your body shows the difference. I am proud you are doing what you are doing. Don't get discouraged you are doing well. As for the cruise we don't have to over eat and when we do we can just use the ships gym. It would be good for us to us while off anyway. Maybe we can build a habit while on vacation to move our bodies to the next level.
Love you!