Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day

Mother's Day always brings my Mom to the forefront of my mind and oh how I miss her.

There are so many things I miss about my Mom.

I miss her being at the Holiday get together's. I miss playing Zilch and Casino. I miss watching Trading Spaces with her. I miss her morning phone calls. I miss her cooking. I miss her love she had for my kids. I miss not having her at church on Mother's Day and at church on every church day. I miss her Santa Clause collection. I miss thrift store shopping and taco's at Jack in the Box. I miss her love and hugs.I miss her singing and I miss her listening to her music. I miss going to garage sales with her and the trips to Mc Donald's for the kids to play in play land. I miss her support and I miss going to her house just for a visit. And the list goes on.

My Mom was a special lady who loved her husband, kids and grandkids. She had a way of making the Holidays special. She especially loved Christmas. She loved Santa Clause and Christmas music.Christmas just isn't the same without her. We have created new traditions but there is definitely a empty place where she belongs.

No one could have been a better Mom and I miss her.

Happy Mother's Day Mom


Bekki said...

I miss her too. A lot, and all the time. Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Kara said...

That was really sweet Aunt Debbie. I wonder if she realizes how much she is missed by so many of us. Every time a child in the family is born, I wish she was there to hold them and sing to them. She's amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

I remember so many of those things too. I loved her back one did them like her. I, too, remember the J in the Box tacos. I remembered she always took us to the thrift store. Who knew you could buy a doll for 50 cents! I miss her laugh too. I remember how she used to kind of throw her head back and open her mouth really wide when she really got laughing! I really, really miss her at Christmas too!

Deborah said...

Yeah Grandma was awesome... I really miss her alot. She totally was the best back scratcher and the best pimple popper... :). Jack in the Box Tacos and thrift stores for sure. And I have never had fried potatoes and broccoli cheddar soup like she made them... yum. The games that I remember was Dice, Bunco and Spite and Malice. She would always say "To the Moon George!" And if the front door ever opened mysteriously she would always say "Come on in Grams! :). Me and her loved to watch old musical movies on AMC and I would always give her pedicures.... yeah I love you grandma and I miss you alot! - Jill

Fealyclan said...

I know how you feel to be missing your mom this time of year. The first few Mother's Days were especially difficult for me when I lost my mom. The holidays are never the same without them.
As far as your mom goes...I really miss her too. I loved how accepting of Laynah & I that she was when Jason & first married. I loved her homemade Christmas gifts, put together with love, & I will never forget watching & listening as she held, rocked, & sang to my boys as infants. Especially Jacob.
So, happy belated Mother's Day & thank goodness for the incredible moms that we had.