Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What kind of person are you?

Are you the kind of person that searches out truth at all costs or are you a person who searches out truth only to the extent that it won't hurt you or your family? Does something become gossip when we get up and say something about someone not knowing the full truth. I believe it does. When someone gets up and openly blasts someone and they have only a little snippet of the truth they are then spreading lies and half truths and tearing down someones character on hear say. Where did Christianity go? That is what I would like to know. Somehow I don't think that the Lord would be pleased with us deliberately blasting a child of God and trying our best to get that person to backslide. When we are given a position of authority and we use that position to hurt and damage people we have swayed from the purpose of that position. God please help me to never be like that. And thank you for giving my family the peace and assurance that You are in control and have us safely in your hands despite the best efforts of those who try to remove us!