Saturday, June 21, 2008


Well we are in Vancouver, B.C. and tomorrow we will board our cruise to Alaska, what an adventure. I will try to keep this blog updated while we are away maybe even post pictures if I am able. We left Thursday and drove up. The drive was great but long. We stayed in Washington with some friends of ours and had a good visit.One thing that is unusual about Washington and Canada for us Californians is the time it gets dark. It gets dark about 10:30 pm or so and starts getting light around 4:00 am. Right now here in Vancouver it is 9:00 o'clock pm and still very light. The sun isn't even on the horizon yet. Strange for me. Washington is a beautiful state. We didn't get to see much except for while driving since we were kind of focused on getting here. Maybe on the way home we will be able to see more although we are on a time table to get home also. Vancouver is a pretty city also. I love the homes I have seen. Very "cute" for lack of a better word. It looks like there is a lot to do here also but we don't have time. Tonight we saw, but didn't stop, a street Jazz festival, a Chinese outside market, a cirque-du-soleil show and much more to do.


Kara said...

You left for Alaske without me!!! Shame on you Aunt Debbie!!! I hope you have an amazing time. We enjoyed seeing Jill and David at Aunt Mary's yesterday. I can't believe David is seventeen. Then again...who can believe I'm having my fourth child?

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie, glad you made it to the ship on time. Make sure you stop by the house, on your way back through, Rick is going to Kennawick tomorrow, and will be getting Dave that 50# lb bag of onions, he requested.

Sure you won't be kissing him for awhile. :-)Have a good trip, it was good seeing both of you,Robin ~